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02/12/16 10:50 PM

#13510 RE: buccaneer1961 #13509

I suggested that they look at acquiring one or more small pharmacies. It would provide an outlet for their medical products and be a source of revenue for the company as well. Pharmacies are cash cows and it would be cool if the company could acquire them as an ongoing goal and build a small chain. Those were my suggestions I sent in an email. My email..........

Sent: Friday, February 5, 2016 2:59 PM
Subject: Share Holder

Dear Sir or Ms.,

I have recently become a share holder of Southern Home Medical.

After reading over your latest update to share holders, I wonder if you have given any thought to acquiring any small pharmacies? It seems it would be a perfect fit and round out the current business of the company. And perhaps could grow into several pharmacies, resulting in a small chain in the immediate future and perhaps grow exponentially thereafter. It would also provide a sales source for some medical devices.

Just a quick message to put forth my thoughts as a share holder.

Thank You for taking the time to read this, Respectfully, Bob M