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02/12/16 4:04 PM

#1343 RE: Renee #1342

Somethin is rotten in Denmark with the egregious delay in FINRA deleting the symbol.

I agree. There is no reason why it should not have been deleted at least by the time the bankruptcy became effective on the 8th, if not before upon the final ruling by the Bankruptcy Judge the prior week. And it is not as if this ruling was obscure and difficult to find - it was included by the Company in an 8-K.

I think FINRA and the SEC need better coordination on these bankruptcies, among other things.


02/18/16 12:41 PM

#1344 RE: Renee #1342

Some one bought those millions of shares and it wasn't just for wall paper and it wasn't illegal, as someone knows that there may yet be value in the new offering of shares to any previous share holders....time will tell