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02/12/16 10:04 AM

#60699 RE: leverage102 #60698

They extended the date that USG gets paid. Because Canwealth has no money. Come June when that payment is due and canwealth can't pay the merger will be null and void.
Not a good thing, read it and weap.

"WHEREAS, the purpose of this Amendment is to provide that payment of the Merger Consideration shall be made on or before June 30, 2016 and to clarify neither USG1, the Stockholder Representative nor any USG1 Stockholders shall have the right to void the Agreement or unwind the Merger for any reason. ""


02/12/16 10:41 AM

#60700 RE: leverage102 #60698

What reputable law firm would allow attorneys to share confidential information with shareholders??
None, what a bunch of hoo ha, more made up DD.
Just bs like everything to do with Canwealth, the confirmed failed gold scam run out of Quebec by long time scammer Garth MCINTOSH. BANNED IN CANADA BUT TRADING IN THE USA.


02/12/16 10:49 AM

#60703 RE: leverage102 #60698

Multiple Delays, still NOTHING of value. Just a scam trying to find private placees to steal money from for Garth's personal expenses.


02/12/16 11:20 AM

#60704 RE: leverage102 #60698

Where's the imminent news??Where's the trading??THIS POS SCAM IS DEADER THAN DEAD,never leaving triple zeros as there IS NOTHING HERE BUT BS AND HYPE.IT'S OVER...MONEY LOST,