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07/14/06 11:40 PM

#1529 RE: JJSeabrook #1527

I find it interesting that Rufus on the MN1 interview stated that the I think it was. eco-credits from the world bank would probaly be worth more than the logs themselves. He never got a chance to expound on that because the hosts cut him off.

Is it possible that the deal is much bigger than originally thought? I think when we heard the numbers given during the FHAL interview with Mike Alexander, it was simply regarding the logs themsevles.

Rufus did mention that CVSU was already dealing with the credits in one of the Subsidiaries but as of yet hadn't received any. If Rufus knows the in and outs of these credits it could explain alot. CVSU would actually be gaining quite a bit by merging with FHAL.

Something to think about.


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07/15/06 12:28 AM

#1531 RE: JJSeabrook #1527

Here is a copy of my pm reply to you,
Sent By: Changingtymes Date: 7/14/2006 11:15:10 PM

I,m confused. The post i put up originally was intended for a different stock. That,s why i edited it. If you are referring to FHAL, yes i have done my DD. We have a trucking company ourselves. I can tell you a bit, but i,m not sure it would help. Also i try not to post ANYTHING i don,t know as fact. Please enlighten me. I mean that sincerely. Best of luck to you.
dated 07-14-06 @ 11:15 pm

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07/15/06 12:32 AM

#1532 RE: JJSeabrook #1527

I am trying to be as personable as possible and still not upset you. Is there a reason you post these trying retorts? I assured you in my pm i wished you the best of luck. I still do.