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02/10/16 11:04 PM

#252767 RE: biopharm #252766

RE "Peregrine is front and center in a very disruptive technology"

strange how all this supposedly great science has brought in nothing but massive losses with no end in sight - thus the ongoing dilution and BOD asking last year for more shares authorized!

Again we're talking about a mind boggling and unique situation.
The market always gives a huge premium to companies that have massive growth drivers. All the short selling and manipulation (not that there is any) in the world wouldn't be able to stop the share price rocket created by investors jumping on board. Obviously NOT happening.
Been reading for YEARS lines exactly like yours. NEVER comes to fruition.
The dates change, the lines don't, just the share price - DOWN, - oh, and the number of shares - up.

This company is nothing but a net effect of a wealth transfer vehicle.
From shareholders to management/BOD/employees. It's worked very well for a very long time. I'm shocked there are not more class actions against it.