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02/10/16 8:37 PM

#96385 RE: Expertuis #96384

A rising tide raises all boats; eventually NBRI included

No, it won't. NBRI's boat sank a long time ago, and the boulders of the toxic death spiral convertibles will keep it down on the bottom.......forever.

Have you read the financial statements? Do you know what toxic death spiral convertibles are?


02/11/16 1:04 AM

#96388 RE: Expertuis #96384

Tell that to the titanic.

You are right to ride the coat tails of smart money though.

Problem being that there is no smart money in NBRI

They have far to great a burden to be able to climb.
You could buy 10,000,000,000 shares here and the pps wouldnt even get to .0002


02/16/16 5:04 PM

#96395 RE: Expertuis #96384

Why is that? It's not like NBRI has any gold.