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02/10/16 5:30 AM

#13786 RE: pray #13785

I too wonder if Culley even made it to the parking lot or even if he left California for the conference. Barely enough for just a couple months. NDA this quarter? Rock and roll with the milestones but at least make sure to have the cash to get somewhere. Maybe Culley is thinking he can get more at a much higher, less dilutive price. I wonder. Seeing some throw away $12K - $20K chunks in AH last night was pretty crazy.

Good call Pray.

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You you kidding, quit being so deceptive. What CEO has ever had a public offering at the time of of a buyout.

Culley has suckered investors again with his antics and fake pr"s. You should be ashamed of yourself. Call a press conference to entice new investor's only to jump ship and announce another offering. No wonder he refused to show his sorry face.

Three offering in two years. No I know why ROD removed every post while moderater that I mentioned "offering coming."

You don't see me deleting stuff unless it needs to be. It is what it is.

Franklin files

Did anyone even happen to notice how many franklin form 13's there were just yesterday? Maybe they had someone plucking companies at the conference lol.