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02/09/16 1:08 PM


["Can't you argue that the simplicity of implementation/use, cost, how it can be scaled, is what is truly disruptive as opposed to the actual tech. In fact, we might be better off with the former....."]

Yes, you can argue that, at least if one had public data to back that up (which is why I urged for some public benchmarking half a year ago).

Terms like revolutionary or disruptive are not very useful anyway.

["The stock also doubled a while back based on a photo of Glassware "built into a Dell" server."]

Yes, but perhaps this time there is some fire with the smoke, one never knows.

Smoke (or hope that something is going on) is certainly not enough to tempt me back in though, I need concrete evidence that the financial bleeding has stopped sufficiently for it to become a viable company. That still looks like a long shot from where I am sitting, but perhaps I'm not sitting in the right place.


02/09/16 1:25 PM


Yes. And if one bothers to read and understand SB's tweet that is precisely what he was saying in that now infamous tweet. One problem with social media is that tone of voice is lost which complicates understanding. SB was playing with his antagonists in that tweet. Furthermore rumors of his departure from s3d are false.... simplicty, speed, cost in a word efficiencies... these can be quite disruptive.... jmo... glta...