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02/08/16 10:04 PM

#117642 RE: Rawnoc #117641

NNVC appeals to those who believe in fairy tales.

A superficial and incorrect assessment of the situation,....

Logic Series:

I don't believe in fairy tales.

The information that I have amassed (facts, or probably better termed as evidence) suggests that NNVC has developed a very promising technology that is on the cusp of being clinically useful in treating viral diseases.

NNVC appeals to me because of the accumulated evidence that supports the idea that they have something.

*poof*,... there goes the unsupported idea that NNVC appeals to those who believe in fairy tales,....

NNVC appeals to those with the insight to dig into the available information and draw logical conclusions.

The 'fairy tale' idea applies to those with the alternate position.

IMO of course,....