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Airdawg Investments

02/08/16 4:20 PM

#270593 RE: JToews19 #270592

One day they'll drive the price down, next day back up. Main reason this has been trading sideways with high volume. Most of the volume is MM boxing and cross trades. Stuck in .026-.0315 range until real volume picks up. Almost half of the volume today was artificially created, just MM exchanges.

Airdawg Investments

02/08/16 4:30 PM

#270594 RE: JToews19 #270592

There probably still is some dilution going on, that is what a lot of the 10k trades are. Mostly MM manipulation today though. It is anyone's guess when the dilution ends or begins since the TA is gagged. Longs hope it is raising funds for one of these updates suggested to drop this month.