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02/08/16 9:14 AM

#9211 RE: solidus370 #9210

Ok thx for your reply Seth to follow


02/08/16 10:40 AM

#9216 RE: solidus370 #9210

OMG! Mr. BSeth! Do you even hear yourself?

An increase in Authorized DOES NOT mean that the actual shares outstanding will increase anywhere near that amount.


This company is currently in an extremely precarious position (there are literally dozens of creditors) and this does provide the Company with a potential method of negotiating away or settling some debt

isn't the "method" going to be to trade shares for debt?
Will ALL 8 BILLION shares fly out the door immediately?
Probably not...but what with settling old debts and needing to keep the conpany running...
AND talk of "acquisitions"...
It's not hard to see that MANY of those shares WILL find their way into the outstanding and the float.

Of course, getting creditors interested in taking shares might be a
What are you planning?
First increase the Authorised Shares, then Reverse Split?
Was that the real reasoning behind such a large increase???
Let me need SHAREHOLDER approval to increase the A/S, but the BOD can approve a RS...

BTW??? Wasn't this conpany putting out PR after PR about how they were "retiring" debt left and right???
I know it was being spun here that the conpany was "debt free"...
I didn't see you stepping up to CORRECT any of that "misinformation"...
Isn't correcting misinformation the reason you give for posting here?



02/08/16 1:32 PM

#9224 RE: solidus370 #9210

But if it is anything like BVAP through Seth Shaw's TAUG-related "debt conversion" activities in 2013, the BVAP shareholders will get creamed with much greater dilution, as the debtors are paid with company shares and bonus shares are added to encourage the debtor to accept the transaction! 500 MILLION to 8 BILLION! 8 BILLION...Unbelievable! Under Shaw's watch, TAUG only needed to go from 1 BILLION to 2.5 BILLION! The stated underlying logic looks to be "who cares, its only Authorized Shares, not issued and Outstanding Shares"! Yeah right! Any wagers on how many of these new shares will become "Outstanding"? Just a guess, a bunch of the newly Authorized Shares will land in the hands of the Comitos, the financiers, who have a long relationship with BVAP's interim CEO, Seth Shaw. Did the Comitos' BVAP financial participation come as the result of Seth Shaw, the company's then VP of Strategic Planning and "Money Man", arranging the deal? How about all of the other financing arrangements that now will be addressed by issuing more BVAP shares? It is probably very safe to assume that Josh Kimmel did not do all of the BVAP debt deals on his own! IMO...based upon Kimmel's history, he was incapable of finding the money sources, arranging the terms, and showing the backers the money would be "safe" under his guidance! Who was better qualified to do it? Just a guess, if Shaw was involved, the financiers, including the Comitos, are going to hold the Interim CEO's feet to the fire to get their money back!