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02/08/16 7:14 AM

#4526 RE: old biohf guy #4525

Well.This scam denied by the FDA uses a product that can bought for pennies and that is listed is this way DIABETES, no LOL: "Use with caution in cases with Cold and Deficiency of the Spleen and Stomach. Do not use during pregnancy. And NONE of the indications are for diabetes.
For irritability, dry lips, dry mouth, dry tongue, thirst, desire to drink cold beverages and cough with thick sputum or blood streaked sputum. For wasting and thirsting disorders.
Dispels Pus and Resolves Toxicity
For Breast abscesses or carbuncles and sores with redness, swelling, pain and pus(used topically and internally). Treats hemorrhoids
Clears Lung Heat, Transforms Phlegm, Moistens Lung
For cough with thick, sticky sputum that is difficult to expectorate and signs of drynes"


02/09/16 11:37 PM

#4531 RE: old biohf guy #4525

It's simply amazing how they manufacture those...And all on a microscopic scale..........incredible.....z