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02/07/16 12:32 PM

#117589 RE: KMBJN #117588

"why" will become apparent, just as all (or at least most) of my other "predictions" have come to pass, and then the "why" was revealed.

Why is that hard to understand? You do admit that I have been significantly more correct and accurate than not, right? So choose to ignore what is probably the most accurate and reliable source of information and obsess about the "why" or ignore it. $1.40 post split after 10 years (or .40 pre split…FORTY CENTS!). How's that working out?

If you know the players, it's easier to understand the game.


02/07/16 1:37 PM

#117591 RE: KMBJN #117588

The irony is you may have hit the nail on the end. In on it.

Whatever, dude. I have no understanding and your predictions of doom and failure will all come true, even if you can't tell anybody why.