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02/06/16 10:10 PM

#21854 RE: earplug #21853

I am just a messenger and I expect folks to research PTSC before investing. The company is done in more ways than one. Even with a court win their "partner" will not give them the infringement warning letters and reverse engineering info to have a chance of getting settlements. A court win in an appeal is impossible and almost never happens unless their is a "clear error" standard met. At any rate appeals take 14 months to even be heard from when filed. PTSC filed in December of 2015 so their appeal will be heard by April of 2017. Then that take 2-6 months to decide. Maybe by late 2017 there is a decision. PTSC said they will run out of money in about 1 year. The company will be out of business before the appeal is even heard. SO the federal district judge basically has to be way off base to get over turned. That is not the case here as Grewal's ruling was very well reasoned and he chastised PTSC for disclaiming several prior art technologies to get their patent approved. Those prior art technologies happen to be the ones the defendants are currently using so they do not infringe. Plain and simple.

ALSO- PTSC HAS SAID IN THEIR OWN FINANCIALS FILED WITH THE SEC THAT THEY WILL BE DELISTED FROM THE OTC:BB AND WILL STOP TRADING THERE AS THEIR STOCK TRADES BELOW 1C AND DOES NOT MEET THEIR MINIMUM BID STANDARDS. This is a disaster for the stock on top of multiple other disasters. If you do not sell by June you may not even be able to sell at all or if you can the brokers fees will be HUGE. This is a fact my friend.