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02/04/16 5:10 PM

#32154 RE: Traderfan #32153

TF GWA One thing for sure. Wheather GWA has an agreement of the minds for great options for financing, or not, one thing for sure, there is no mine and no project to finance, without the permits. They need to ring in these permits and the gov is taking their time. Onterio permitting is in the CYA mode and taking longer these days, esp with the environmental blunders lately. ....
In the mean time, rather than sitting on their hands, GWA IS moving forward on other fronts. Once the first permit is in, the others will fall in quick. Im guessing after the first permit comes in, they will be non stop working on a good financing deal. In 30 - 60 days, gold could be $950 or $1250. This would effect the prospects? My guess is gold heads lower after the January effect is over and that will be the last chance to grab the best for the least.

Truth is if the POG was a few hundred higher all along, Gowest would have had more cash and made more progress sooner. I've been here much much to long, but thankful they kept it all together. There almost there. For .06 per share, Im thinking of adding esp as everything else moves up.