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Grape Ape

02/04/16 11:01 AM

#30271 RE: Lnp30 #30270

It's funny to watch your attitude change on this board right along with mine. You have gone thru the exact same life cycle as me. When I first got on here, I was all pumped and excited and felt we had something here. After years of sitting patiently, watching this dog tank, and nothing but promises, I've gone down the same path as you. Honestly, I have forgotten why I got in this. I really have. I forgot what it was that Henry and Joe told me over lunch that one day that made me think " this could be huge". I'm only still in it because I'd kick myself if it DID take off and I bailed...

I can't believe I hitched my wagon to an FDA label. Even if it does come, I see us going nowhere. This thing is dead. Sorry.


02/04/16 11:25 AM

#30273 RE: Lnp30 #30270

I completely agree. I bet this deal was done with the same private placement partner engaged in June 2015. That means that the entity which has been driving the share price down for the last two months was rewarded with another deal at an unreasonably low share price. The purchaser will now begin to sell shares every time the price goes up and will upset the buy sell balance making it impossible for the share price to rise. This is what has been going on for the past few months...the last private placement partner has sold more than 5 of the 6m shares it got by private placement in 2015 and now it is reloading and will do it again. The only way the share price will go up meaningfully is if XXII does some sort of deal... otherwise the share price will remain in this range it has for many months. That entity is the only shareholder making meaningful returns on this stock. This is a slap in the face to existing shareholders who have stood by this company for years. I cannot put into words how disappointed I am with the management of XXII for doing this to us again. I have more than 200k shares of this company and the money is rotting.


02/04/16 11:48 AM

#30277 RE: Lnp30 #30270

Isn't BAT doing exactly that (doing something with XXII tech)?

It's not like a company can license this tech and just immediately start making products with it; if BAT has been any indication, it takes time to evaluate how to use the tech.

Not a good sign for the tech that it can't be used immediately, but I don't think they are failing to sell/license the tech on a good timeline.