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07/15/03 6:47 AM

#4 RE: excel #2

excel - the natural gas sector has been hot as a firecracker the past few months. natural gas prices have gone down the past few weeks but like you said hurricane season just started and from what i have read forecasters expect an unusually active season.

from CNN:

" Tropical Storm Claudette has strengthened into a hurricane and turned westward toward the Texas coast, with landfall predicted for Tuesday evening. Maximum sustained winds are at 75 mph, making Claudette a Category 1 storm -- and the first hurricane of the 2003 Atlantic season. "


07/17/03 1:11 AM

#9 RE: excel #2

Be it MSSN or some another NG play. The time to get in is now. Read the story below.
It is confirmed now. The crisis is real.

Taskforce created to address looming natural gas crisis

To address the possibility of a looming natural gas emergency, House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Billy Tauzin (R-LA) and House Resources Chair Richard Pombo (R-CA) will hold the first meeting of the Speaker's 18-Member Task Force for Affordable Natural Gas. Today's meeting kicks off a series of nationwide hearings aimed at finding short-term solutions to eliminate a crisis before it occurs.

"Last month, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan testified before the Committee on Energy and Commerce and told us that nothing can be done in the short-term to increase our natural gas supply," Tauzin says. "Nothing is not an acceptable answer. That is why the Speaker has formed the Task Force For Affordable Natural Gas - to determine if something can be done about this pending crisis before it occurs."

The Speaker's Task Force for Affordable Natural Gas has been charged with identifying the causes of today's natural gas shortage, the impact of natural gas prices on the American economy and short and long-term plans to encourage a stable supply of natural gas to ease prices.

The panel is to report back to the Speaker of the House by September 30. 07/16/2003 11:04 a.m.CDT