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02/03/16 4:17 PM

#3786 RE: fung_derf #3785

the whole market is being manipulated. apple down nearly $50 what ever you think is going on a lot of discounted shares are being bought


02/03/16 7:41 PM

#3789 RE: fung_derf #3785

Apple is manipulated!! Every stock is.. Every positive and negative story that hits someone is cashing in first.. It's silly to believe that doesn't happen to ever stock


02/03/16 7:49 PM

#3791 RE: fung_derf #3785

Herbalife wasn't manipulated by Bill akman? When he was said to be giving the "death blow" speech covered min by min by CNBC Herbalife crashed 35% after this bullshit speech stock rallied.. With valiant pharma too I don't know how Bill akman isn't in jail