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07/13/06 6:24 PM

#6256 RE: mugsymac_00 #6255

Oh, shut your hole already - I just paint an honest picture. Period.

And virtually everybody here knows it including you, but because I don't blindly pump the stock in a dishonest manner like a certain somebody, you have a problem with it. All stocks are reported without one-time expenses and gains analyzed that way. This is not some revolutionary thinking on my part. ASK any broker or accountant on the globe, then come back and apologize to me. Furthermore, Tom says backlog increased - I corrected him - and you got a problem with that and call that an attempt to bring the price down, keep buyers away, blah blah blah? Give US a break. Bullshit isn't helping bring in buyers.

You're an extremely strange dude sometimes. I will not let this board turn into a dishonest pump-fest. There is no skewing anything. Backlog isn't up over last year. Period. That's wrong, and that's a lie, and further you have absolutely, positively, no idea what last year's backlog consisted of. The returns happened for the Xmas quarter. Last I checked, July ain't Xmas.

You could say whatever you want, but as a personal request - cut the bullshit. Pretending that a one-time gain that had nothing to do with operations and claiming that backlog has increased is wrong, a lie, and doesn't help bring investors into TRDY. Honesty does.

Besides....if you do what you and tom propose, you're setting yourself up for a big fall as the debt-conversion for this quarter may incur a one-time EXPENSE. And I'll bet dollars-to-donuts you two will have absolutely no problem when I deduct this non-cash one-time expense, will ya?

Of course not. Bullshit is okay with you two which, with all due respect, is just dishonest and stupid on all levels. Just like when you claimed I said this quarter would show a loss when, in reality, I said the exact opposite.

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07/13/06 6:40 PM

#6257 RE: mugsymac_00 #6255

"you weasel about the miniscule drop in backlog over last year"

Excuse me? Miniscule? Backlog is down $470,000 or 20%. Is $470,00 or 20% miniscule to you? Please tell us that you made an HONEST mistake when you made that foolish statement.

"last years backlog was overshadowed by the uncontrolled return policy. this years backlog has no such pretence with the revised return policy. SOOOOO-
if I were to skew the report like you are doing-
I could say this years backlog IS ACTUALLY MORE than last years

Last year's 3rd quarter had $667,000 in sales to the warehouses.

How much was returned? Half?

If even 2/3rds was returned and you back that out of last year like you propose, backlog is STILL down over last year.

Nice try, though. Let's keep this board HONEST, k, pal?

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07/13/06 7:49 PM

#6258 RE: mugsymac_00 #6255

mugs....You got that right!!!!....Good post. "All things considered..." as I said, numbers are "better"....IMO


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08/17/06 6:56 PM

#6497 RE: mugsymac_00 #6255

mugs my man....looks like you were wrong:

My ugly picture that I was "trying to paint" looks like it was "picture perfect."

However, while I didn't expect much from this quarter due to the lowered backlog, the backlog for this quarter is higher plus Sesame Street plus as I previously posted I saw Costco filled with TRDY books like I've never seen before, especially not in the summer - and these are sold, non-returnable items.

This quarter will certainly show a profit, probably show higher sales, and possibly show higher profit all over last year.