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01/30/16 12:18 PM

#29873 RE: Wo #29872

Tweed is setting up to be the Phillip Morris of cannabis exact same business plan almost to a T. Holding company with brands reaching into every corner of the globe. Phillip Morris has been a great investment even though I hate them I'll take their cash. They never made a deal like the Bedrocan deal.... one last stab


01/30/16 12:52 PM

#29876 RE: Wo #29872

The big elephants will have to go through the same regulatory system as CGC if they want to start producing and selling marijuana. Don't know if it's going to be HC handing out licenses for recreational sellers, but if it is you know how slow HC works. Big tobacco has the infrastructure to produce tobacco not pot. To grow pot with consistent THC levels. It has to be grown in a very controlled environment. That's why marijuana is mostly grown indoors. Also they is the security aspect. You think tobacco companies have the same security growing tobacco as marijuana companies. I don't think so...tobacco is mostly grown in outdoor fields. Bottom line is I seriously doubt big tobacco is interested in getting into the marijuana business.