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01/27/16 12:42 PM

#122295 RE: mwab52 #122294

Wow! Who cares? Does HESG have a CEO, filed reports, updates, registration at the SOS, a bid even? NO, of course not. HESG has nothing, it is a dark/defunct scam.

DJ Ponder

01/27/16 12:59 PM

#122298 RE: mwab52 #122294

Again, what decade ago are we discussing here? This pig has been defunct so long its hard to keep track of the timeframes.
Please do clarify.

Wow! So was the 480M (HESG) shares returned to the T/A? Let me see! 400M restricted shares and 80M common shares every returned to the T/A? Hold onto those shares.(HESG)