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01/26/16 2:20 PM

#3168 RE: mauser96 #3165

Mauser, your response was great. Although ive had no trouble with HP ink jet printers, I am more than amused re all the pundits and posters who are so awed and worship HP and keep saying how it will hurt arcam. Heck trader sees bogey men in every PR announcement and article that even touches on the 3d realm.

The facts are that HP does not have a commercial 3d printer yet. It proposed one more than a year ago and really haven't heard anything yet. It is supposed to come out in 2016. We shall see.

But even if HP manages to get a 3d printer to market. We don't know how effective it is, only HPs PR. We don't know how customers will accept it or how well it will perform versus the printers already out there. And most importantly for Arcam, it will not print metal. Sooooooooo. Even though there may be proposals to eventually go to metal, same issues. Does it have the technology to do so, so far no. Will it have any commercial advantages and will the market accept it. Will the end result oompete with EBM produced products. And most importantly when. So far its only mere speculation and why worry till metal even exists and then not until its proved to be competitive with arcam.

It is so amusing and pathetic that so many got scared of EBAM when it was first described as well as so many other ideas which may or may not be commercialized but are years away from commercialization while Arcam is there, selling the bulk printers that some said would not happen and per GE and others arcam has technology which WILL be used in aviation volume manufacturing.

I have no guarantees for the ultimate future of 3d technology. But right now, it looks good for arcam and ive bet accordingly. I've already predicted and speculated on the Er and we shall see how close I've come. But I'm very bullish on arcam, the low volume and weak pps action not withstanding. Just wish some of the naysayers and bogey men posters would wait till they have some real premises to base their laments and conclusions on. There is a real lack of news and it is not useful for that vacuum to be filled with the bogey men advocates. Just in the last few days ive read numerous 3d articles, most of them negative at least on the low end sector but no mention of arcam and its executing. Pathetic and frustrating