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01/23/16 2:08 PM

#92534 RE: Dragon Lady #92533

I sure everyone reads this as it is all true and also filled with humor but humor based on the facts.
Thanks for making my afternoon!
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01/23/16 2:10 PM

#92535 RE: Dragon Lady #92533

Hallarious !! Isell is one the biggest jokes of a site EVER. Oh what will they come up with Next after all the BS is over.
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01/23/16 2:24 PM

#92536 RE: Dragon Lady #92533

I haven't emailed anybody, have never been on ICell, and would not know who to email. But our holdings of OCAT shares are in what you term "fantasy," in multiple, variously colored paragraphs. We likely are among the upper 5% high gross income population you mention, the numbers of which have been growing for years now. I wonder how many like us have not emailed anybody? OCAT is far from our only profitable investment. Just wanted to add some additional common sense.

Do you disclaim any interest in obtaining a higher share price for OCAT shares from Astellas or some 3rd party yourself? Or are you satisfied with $8.50/share?
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01/23/16 3:37 PM

#92538 RE: Dragon Lady #92533

Standing ovation! There has been so much BS to LOL about here for so long.

Even since I started posting here my ideas about the various types of BS that get recycled around the magic stem thingy, I've seen all those threads of BS resurface proportional to the level of desperation felt given that said BS is OBVIOUSLY now TOTAL BS without any deniability!!

SO much for "Lanza" "the Science" "big pharma" "100$ per share" "big shareholders holding out" "mario gabelli is going to save the retail shareholder" and all that BS yada yada. Especially hilarious have been the letters full of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors to President Obama and Pfizer and the SEC and all elected representatives.

It'd be a fascinating study for a sociologist or psychologist to study the ACTC OCATA shareholders on these forums over the last 6 years as a study in delusion against all facts because of desire to gain financially. I don't for a second believe the people here that claim they were all invested in ACTC OCATA for mere do gooding. You invest in the stock market to make money; you speculate in stocks like this with the desire to make LOTS OF MONEY on a PURE RISK play!!! BIG RISK, BIG REWARD or (most of the time) BIG RISK, BIG LOSSES!!! OCATA was like throwing down big chips on a hand of poker. Now the BIG RISK, instead of being a total bust, get's bailed out: a lot of us get most of our chips back!! Imagine that!!! I say to everyone who is upset about this: GO INVEST IN ASTELLAS NOW, if you care about making money and "the SCIENCE"!!! If you lost money, that's life, loses get eaten and we move on. We are not PW or Lanza or any of the very very few people who get to make lots of money on this deal. We can waaaah like babies or realize that we signed up for whatever would happen because that's just the truth.
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01/23/16 6:17 PM

#92540 RE: Dragon Lady #92533

To be fair, what I know of Roland is that he doesn't have a bogus bone in his body. He's passionate abouthis investment and an activist shareholder. He has a life beyond Ocata, but when people feel ripped off, some do something about it, some accept it, others make fun of others misfortune. He did say there were 250-300 people that emailed him, but also consider most of these emails either contained whole family and friend counts or multiple individuals holding shares. Sure, some could've been bogus, but anyone taking the time to email him false counts truly needs a hobby. I trust what he reported. Most people that sold also reported that and the totals were taken off of his count. In what is being called a bogus total, were also all of the iCell members as well, so saying 15,000 ÷ 300 isn't being fair. I believe there are over 1000 iCell member alone. They aren't included in the emails.

As for him having an exact number, as each person reported, he either added or subtracted accordingly, what's so hard to believe that he kept a running total? He was keeping a running total of shares, not email addresses, so why is it hard to believe he needs to estimate the number of emails he got?

This is manipulating a story and glorifying negatives to make it seem less believable. It's my choice to believe what he has posted and not that he took time to make this up. That's preposterous. If the totals don't jive with what should be out there, I'd be more concerned with shares that were naked shorted, then tendered. That's more believable than Roland inventing this share count.