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01/22/16 7:51 PM

#39669 RE: Sleepy2016 #39665

I'm talking market cap here. You lower it that much, what will the market cap be? I don't care if you are issuing more shares, a lower price means a lower market cap. Issuing shares is just diluting the current shareholders if the price is dropping. Only way you increase the market cap with more shares is with a higher price. Say my company is worth 1 dollar. I have a 100 share issued. My company stock price drops by 50%, and I issue a 100 more shares. All that happened is now 200 shares are worth .50 cents. So how in the world does the toxic lenders get their money back if my company stock price crashes and my market cap is now .10. Who is going to be buying a worthless stock? If the market cap is .10, what difference does it make if you issue more shares to sell, who the hell in their right mind is going to buy them? The toxic lender can have all the shares they want, if the company is worthless, so are the shares. Only way toxic lenders make money is on a pump and dump. NO ONE MAKES MONEY ON A COMPANY THAT IS WORTHLESS. The financiers and stock holders ALL LOSE THEIR MONEY. So please tell me how a crashing stock price is good for anyone besides the shorters.

Let me put is this way. I buy a shell. My company has no product. Let's make pretend you are the toxic finance guy. Would you loan me a 100,000 with no product, but you have the ability to sell at 60% of the 20 day avg of my stock? You have to insane to loan that money. Just because you can sell the stock at a 60% discount, you would give me the money? My company is worthless, you can have all the discounted shares you want, they are WORTHLESS. Why can't you understand this. Why can't any of you toxic lending poster boys understand this? If nates is a scam, then the toxic lenders better hope nates has the ability to pump and dump this, or they are out of their money.