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07/12/06 6:22 PM

#517 RE: digiwench #510

Let's get this straight. RKLC was up over 300% yesterday. How do I know? I've been posting on this stock since back in April. They went up approx 50% today and then closed down a few percent today but still up over 300% from Yesterday's open. I do agree that it will base then go up again. I played it the same way I am and will play this. Sold a percentage of my holdings to secure my investment and a small profit then hold the rest for the next move up. Sell then reenter on the dip. I haven't found anything that gives me the feeling that something is wrong here. The only thing is I have to keep pinching myself to make sure I'm awake and not dreaming.

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07/12/06 7:07 PM

#527 RE: digiwench #510

RKLC has huge losses and Wal-Mart .....

franchise revenue only totals $1.5 million for all 10 locations. After the 1st year, RKLC only gets $4K royalty on each store. The Wal-Mart thing doesn't look "blockbuster" to me whatsoever. In fact, it appears that management is paying themselves an enormous amount of money, as to dash the hopes of investors. This deal surrounding FHAL isn't even in the same ballpark as RKLC magnitude wise.

<FYI: The lesson of RKLC...up 180% on news

of being a Walmart provider yesterday...and up again 51% this morning..

but now down 3% from the open.

The morning after hangover is a bear. Just brace yourselves, or sell on the morning rush, if there is one.

You can always buy in again later, maybe buy more for less $.

I don't doubt RKLC will get moving again, and in the long run will go higher...they've got low float and real revenue with Walmart...>