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07/12/06 5:13 PM

#24730 RE: txprincess7 #24704

Txprincess: You've got stock in a great company with a revolutionary, life-changing product. Don't lose heart just yet!

Unfortunately, until the company releases some financials, no amount of hype will budge this stock. And looking at the charts, we have a lot more pain to endure. Even if Clinton visits next week (he'll be in the area), I doubt it will have much effect at this point. Investors have lost confidence in the company. We are definitely in the Intensive Care Unit, and our pps condition is deteriorating from serious to critical. Only a positive PR with some solid financial news will defibrillate this stock. The only question that you need to ask yourself is how much pain you are willing to endure, at this point. And there is a lot of pain in the near future.

However... XKEM will rebound. The company just needs to get it's ass in gear and keep the shareholders informed of what's happening. I'm very disappointed with how little info we have received. BigDaddy has done a much better job than Steve Burg has done in disseminating information. I'm sure the company is hard at work, and will do what they promised, but they have not been acting like a world-class company.

Just my 2 cents....(literally!)
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07/12/06 5:16 PM

#24736 RE: txprincess7 #24704

`princess`~~~~~~~~It gonna fly high!!! No pump, just fact. Who has bewitched you that you givin up. Winners never quit, and quitters never-never-never-never win.

You a winner, not a loser, so smile, cause your banker will like you if you don't faint in your well doooooin, don't ya see!?
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07/12/06 5:18 PM

#24737 RE: txprincess7 #24704

Time to buy
in late Oct. That is when I pull out my laid back money. I suppose we will bounce up to three cents again by that time, then I will catch it off the double bottom at one and one half cents. Ghee.......... one to three cents just wasn't in the cards when I started this. Mind you I will still will be holding out for 15 cents in Jan. lots of luck
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07/12/06 5:47 PM

#24766 RE: txprincess7 #24704

Hey Princess, don't give up. I still think there's a lot of potential here. Unfortunately, once the wind gets knocked out of the sails of a BB stock, it takes a lot to get going again.

Once we have some solid PR's about production and revenues coming in, we'll bounce back up. Meanwhile, take another swig from that rum keg and have a nice evening.


Oh, and don't worry about your boyfriend, he'll get over it. I'll let you in on a little secret: "guys don't care about the money, they just want some honey". ;-)


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07/12/06 7:07 PM

#24856 RE: txprincess7 #24704

hi princess, i haven,t said that in a long time. i ,m in a simular position but i,m not worried just yet and will add big time tomorrow if the pps goes under .03. this is my first post on this board but have read thousands. i may be knumber than a plank but i know that other pharmas incl. j+j have phase 3 trails ongoing. BUT we are there. so my thinking is the big pharmas aka johnson+johnson, bristol,myers+ squib, merck, pfeyser, etc. could easily pay cash for a company that has rights for the next 7 years. for a .03 cent stock. the announcement just came out . we need to give this time. next week nigeria will be in the spotlight and hopefully we may get some attention!!! i do not like to cost average down but see much potential for this company imvho. i have been wrong before. rick ricker