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01/18/16 11:25 AM

#52778 RE: sambeaux #52777

"The least hqtrs could do would be place that info on the website."

What passes for FASC's management has always shown a lofty contempt for its (now ex-) shareholders bordering on criminality.

If I were a shareholder in this sorry excuse of a company, I would seriously consider suing Brian Nichols for clear breach of his fiduciary duty on about a dozen counts.


01/19/16 7:41 AM

#52779 RE: sambeaux #52777

Hi Sam......that's great information on the KDS and it's capabilities. FASC only receives royalties from those sales, however.

Direct sales are what puts $$$ in the bank and us on the road toward increased company value and an increasing potential for ROI for shareholders.