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01/17/16 7:26 PM

#121402 RE: Investorr #121397

How about if the Twitter source discloses his knowledge and how he is involved.....sounds like another Watsonhelper (thinks they know everything and cant ever prove one theory to be correct).


01/18/16 6:55 AM

#121409 RE: Investorr #121397

if this guy is legit, then we're all so royally screwed...

"I used to be a postdoc at Psychogenics, so know David Lowe personally. Spoke to him after $AMBS halted trial. He says BOD confused w/ priorities. Lowe says he resigned when $AMBS used nearly $20M to buy MS+stuff instead of focusing on Elto+RP. Lowe also said DX is very difficult market to enter and very difficult to make any significant margins. He signed off saying "$AMBS not my cup of tea"

Count 1 - AMBS BOD is totally confused - just look how many times they've changed their business plan and direction

Count 2 - spending $not $20-Mil. but $34-Mil. on non-revenue developmental assets was just not wrong, it killed the pps and brought in nothing but toxic financing where Gerald had to promise AMBS IP as collateral

Count 3 - starting and stopping Eltropazene when it is in late stage development for ESS was simply not smart, and not in the best interest of anyone

Count 4 - I agree, DX is a complex market and difficult to make any significant revenue from

IMHO, Gerald & the infamous AMBS "Brain Trust" going on a wild spending spree with valuable shareholder shares looking to "corner the blood based bio-assay Dx market" and not buying any revenue producing assets whatsoever was totally reckless, callous, greedy and 100% culpable...because it devastated the company, slammed the brakes on their old business plan, created confusion with their new business plan, and ultimately forced them into submission to sign with notorious toxic converts like Discover and Magna...

IMHO, Gerald is surrounded by Yes men who can't say "no, you will destroy the company and your shareholders if you do this"

just what the 'H' is Gerald doing - is this what he learned at Stanford with his "Financial Managerial Decision Making" degree - what a pathetic joke this company has been: