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Elmer Phud

07/14/03 12:22 AM

#8578 RE: blauboad #8575

Blauboad - Intel is also restrained by demand and supply, albeit to a lesser extent given their dominance and resourced. If they weren't, the Celeron wouldn't exist. Best Buy would be all .65 dual-core Itanium clusters.


It seems to me that AMD's production is going quite well, certainly on the bulk process. IMO, Barton's problem is a demand and not a supply problem. But this is an educated guess.

Then present a case and we can debate whether or not it is plausable. You haven't done that.

In reality, we have no clue what yields are on Barton or P-M and no easy way to guage demand.

I should tell you that I know exactly what yields are on P-M and all Intel products. That's why I can never comment on Intel's yields.

Interpretation on this matter tends just to reveal the interpreter's bias.

Yes, but I have more confidence in my bias than yours <G>