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01/14/16 2:12 PM

#34007 RE: just Scottie #34005

The Q4 fins will be nice I'm sure of it


01/14/16 11:01 PM

#34027 RE: just Scottie #34005

scottie's got the correct tact on INMG.

Tom Coleman, CEO of Innovativ Media Group, has said numerous times that the share price of $0.05 is a LONG TERM (2nd quarter future profit: Q2 2016 - July/August report due) expectation.

I keep hearing about "what a great company, what a great stock, this is going to the moon, etc, etc, etc." This is NOT going to the moon in the typical OTC fashion. Oh, there'll be pumpers and profit takers that make their thousands of dollars, but the production features on the web (what Tom is building this company upon) are on a specific time developement schedule. It's like the filming of 'Star Wars' that Disney now owns. Have you seen Disney's stock price? Why is it still low? The release of Star Wars has still not effected it's pps. Why??? It's too early. The earnings of that blockbuster have been reported unofficially at the $billion mark and that's not including the foreign markets. But the typical investor in the big boards follow the financials. The financials for Disney's last filing are for the 10-K on October 3, 2015, before the release of Star Wars. Now, what do you think the the next Quarterly filing will show for Disney? If you're smart, you'll invest in Disney BEFORE that filing is reported. Why?

Even though stockholders expect it, there's nothing like a 10-Q filing that has a $billion in sales (ticket or otherwise) to boost the pps.

I have simplified this whole process but suffice to say, nothing big can be expected until Tom files his Q2 10-Q. Oh sure, there'll be growth in Q4/2015 and Q1/2016, but the real effect of the web productions of INMG will not be felt, will not be seen in actual real gains, until Q2/2016 (July/August, 2016). That's when share reduction through buyback and business growth from production will combine to produce, what ultimately very well could be and should be a $0.05 pps.

So if you're smart, I mean really smart (can you say long term), and if you've arrived at this company, Innovativ Media Group (INMG), then at .0002 to .0005, you have a real potential to retire early in life. If you wait until it hits .005 or .01 to invest with this web based Entertainment conglomerate (read Innovativ Media Group) then you will, in all likelihood, make a handsome profit (5-10x earnings), but, if you invest at .0005 or you're talking retirement. And we're talking about August of 2016.

Now...When were you planning on retiring?


01/15/16 9:40 AM

#34036 RE: just Scottie #34005

Sounds good. More time to add.