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01/08/16 4:08 PM

#381 RE: scion #380

From Document 7-1 of case "Case 2:15-cv-00742-JNP-PMW" (Glenda Johnson's declaration)

5. I am familiar with the check identified in the summons issued by the Internal Revenue Service through Revenue Agent Joel Zelke, on September 21,2015 (the "Check").

"The check" was dated 6/27/2012. That was the very same date when the IRS and/or the Treasury Department (IRS/TD) were "uninvited guests" at the 2012 RaPower3 National Convention. Coincidence?

6. The Check was issued as the result of Zions Bank requiring certain businesses for whose accounts I am a signer to close their banking accounts with Zions Bank.

Fascinating! How often does a bank "require certain businesses" to "close their banking accounts"? And, for what reasons do they require them to do so?

And, which "certain businesses" were required to close? Did Zions keep a list of all those businesses, and the reasons for their requested closure? I suspect so.

And, why would Glenda Johnson [seemingly] suddenly decide to close that/those accounts ON THE VERY DAY the IRS/TD visited?

7. The closing of these accounts meant that the businesses had to find a new bank or financial institution to handle their banking needs.
8. The businesses had trouble finding a new bank or financial institution.

Hmmmm ... I wonder why they had "trouble finding a new bank or financial institution", and what kind of "trouble" was it for them to do so?

Curious, eh?

Sure is a pretty day.


To: scion who wrote (3053) 1/8/2016 2:02:42 PM
From: TEDennis 1 Recommendation
3054 of 3054