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01/07/16 1:36 PM

#33109 RE: dizzydon #33108

Dark filers never have audited fins. There's a universal reason for that.

It's called theft.

And being a dark filer with 'filings' to the OTCM isn't just a red flag, it's a whole flaming red FIRE TRUCK aimed right at you.

I don't even remember what rrri started as, but I know what it's going to finish as. Toast. And toasted shareholders.


02/19/16 12:53 PM

#33110 RE: dizzydon #33108

I just looked at that image. What bullshit.
Do you know what that is? It's probably stolen from a tourist rest stop in north America. I've seen dozens of those viewing rooms at the full information and rest areas along Michigan.
Matter of fact, that looks like the one in upper peninsula along US 2.

The website isn't working for me now.