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01/06/16 4:51 PM

#8618 RE: janice shell #8617

My wife and myself would always take our weeks vacation up there

where I kept an antique 19' Lyman boat painted white in storage. We always used it with the top down and it had a sway back appearance apparently similar to a giant male swan to other nesting male swans.

The connecting rivers between the lakes were busy on weekends and this one spot happened to have a nesting pair and was a convenient spot for a sherrif's boat to pull over and observe. He got the biggest kick watching us have to hit the deck every time we passed as this male swan picked our boat and only our boat out of a long continuous stream of boats as being the only threat to him.

There have been 3 or 4 fisherman knocked unconscious and drowned in the last 20 years or so from trumpeter swans in the area.


04/16/16 5:39 AM

#8664 RE: janice shell #8617

Speaking of urban geese, there were 3 squating in a little puddle in the middle of our busy Kroger's parking lot. They slowly got up and wandered out of the frame as I drove up and before I could whip my camera out, except for this guy. I don't know if he was about to get aggressive or looking for a handout, but I had to lean way back in my seat to get him in focus as he stuck his head in the car. I bet not one out of a thousand goose hunters will tell you they've ever gotten this close to a Canada when it was still alive, otherwise I could save them some bucks on blinds and decoys, etc. by starting an Uber for goose hunters in my Nissan, an urban safari if you will.

Btw, I'm pretty certain that's not a wild goose turd there in the background either.