I agree. I don't think a fully integrated system can be designed and synced in a year, let alone 3, and be as effective as what Titan's assembled/designed. Look at all of the hoops/obstacles - the SAB professionals, patents, systems, project coordination, etc. If I was a big company, and I think many if not all do know about Titan, I'd be saying and throwing up as many roadblocks as possible. After all it's just words, and they have a bigger audience. Someone is going to have to pay big to play, because time is not on their side, and it takes time, talent and good timing to bring significant products to market. Whoever's next get's first crack at all of the customers ISRG has pissed off, (and educated) but didn't buy their product for a myriad of reasons. Again, so if any other big company wants to play in this space, and get ahead of Verb - they will have to consider buying the IP. IMO.