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01/05/16 10:18 AM

#207258 RE: Serenity #207257

I'm sorry but when the CEO makes comments like there will be no RS and then announces a short time later announces an RS I don't consider that ignorance and lack of foresight' I consider that as a CEO that's a liar and a shyster. And what was the money from the RS going to be used for?? An uplisting?? Ignorance or lying? When a CEO announces that the Q2 will be on OTC markets in 30 days or less and now we are in Q1 of the following year and still no Q2 is that ignorance or a damn lie? No, Eric isn't ignorant at all. In my opinion he;s a con man and none of the shareholders will ever know where the $12 million raised through dilutions over the years went. Ignorant like a fox...


01/05/16 12:25 PM

#207260 RE: Serenity #207257

I continue to believe that the disaster here is due to ignorance and lack of foresight...not some deep dark scheme that was plotted. Just my opinion.

Was not plotted???
Come On Serenity. The most stupid thing that Erik has done is to not recognize that he is an Idiot.

Lack of foresight??
Erik had the People with the abilities and the foresight to run this Company and make it go forward, and yet they left.

Not a deep Dark Scheme??
And why do you think those good people left the Company? Don't you think they did not wanted to be part of that Dark Scheme, and they knew it was coming.

"Noble" "Great" (Egomaniac) Erik cant sell WNBD good Products, but he is an expert in selling discounted shares, so he is no stupid, HE IS JUST A THIEF