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01/04/16 12:57 PM

#50235 RE: Voices of Reason #50234

From 2000. "Wilma I. Delaney is vice president, federal government affairs, for The Dow Chemical Company. Delaney was named to her position in 1998 and is head of the $18 billion company's Washington, D.C. office."


01/04/16 1:46 PM

#50237 RE: Voices of Reason #50234

Surprised that this fact missed the "analysis"

Strange how my doing a simple search online of her name finds Wilma Delaney's Congressional Tribute (YES, SHE WAS RECOGNIZED BY CONGRESS)(


This tribute under oath on Capitol Hill lists her family including her husbands name which is Jack not Joseph.

Amazing what one can find when facts are more important than conjecture. But hey. Why let the facts ruin a good story.....


01/04/16 2:12 PM

#50238 RE: Voices of Reason #50234

In the case of OWOO board member --- interesting when one puts out misleading info and the veils it by asking if anyone can verify it's truthfulness without just taking the time to do it themselves.