From what I can see - they (TDEY) BECAME the insurance company! It appears that the new subsidiary, Oak River Technology is, in effect, using TDEY (which is a 3d stereo graphics co) as a shell from which to operate. The Oak River owners took over management of everything. What I see is a caterpillar (TDEY original) that made a cocoon and something else crawled into it and came out a bear (something else)! It is really a new company with new and completely different trajectory. That way the debt and mess could be restructured.
I don't see how to make a connection from that to WSTI. I do not see how WSTI can do other that what I have repeatedly said and that is either die or heal itself from inside out with things related to sales of their products. For example, I can see a possibility of transformation from signing a big contract or similar things that would attract big money into the company. Such things as that or direct sales, yes. Transformation to something else, ... well possibly. I do think that WSTI might be able to transform into a holding company if there were sufficient interest in new factories starting up throughout the world. If it had a number of productive plants in a number of countries, it could live off the revenue. But ... That is a tall order starting from here.