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01/02/16 6:13 PM

#242304 RE: PegnVA #242303

Republican millionaire behind ‘Trump is disgusting’ skywriting: ‘I would vote for Secretary Clinton’

Saying, “There’s no place for him,” the Alabama millionaire who paid for planes to circle the Rose Bowl and trash GOP front runner Donald Trump on New Year’s Day said he would probably vote for Democrat Hillary Clinton if he had to choose between the two, CBS News is reporting.

Stan Pate, the real estate developer who paid for the planes to fill the air with anti-Trump messages, called his fellow property developer “despicable,” and said there is no place for him in American politics.

“He needs to go back to one of his tall towers and build buildings and whatever else he does. He’s a despicable man,” Pate explained.

“Quite frankly, if it was Donald Trump versus Hillary Clinton, I would vote for Secretary Clinton,” he said. “I will accept anybody but Trump.”

Pate admits that he has met privately with Trump rival Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, but said of the skywriting protest against Trump: “This is all me.”

“This is not a Marco Rubio effort, I have not talked to anybody in that campaign since the day I sat down with Sen. Rubio in Birmingham Alabama,” he said. “Just because you built a tall building with your name on it doesn’t mean respect … his private business, he’s been a dictator, we’re not looking for a dictator. This is a guy when he looks in the mirror, he sees the greatest man that’s ever walked the earth, and he’s wrong.”

“I’m tired of listening to Trump, I’m tired of it – just look at what he did to Megyn (Kelly) that’s just despicable,” he said. “Listen to how he’s attacking Hillary Clinton – despicable.”

Pate — who has a long history of donating to the Republican party — also used the skywriting to advertise the fledgling anybodybuttrump website.

This is not over,” Pate told CBS. “This is just beginning.”