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12/30/15 12:54 AM

#2980 RE: NYBob #2979

China on course to become 'world's most Christian nation' within 15 years
The number of Christians in Communist China is growing so steadily
that it by 2030 it could have more churchgoers than America -

Christian congregations in particular have skyrocketed since churches began
reopening when Chairman Mao's death in 1976 Photo: ALAMY
By Tom Phillips, Liushi, Zhejiang province2:00PM BST 19 Apr 2014

It is said to be China's biggest church and on Easter Sunday thousands
of worshippers will flock to this Asian mega-temple to pledge their
allegiance – not to the Communist Party, but to the Cross.

The 5,000-capacity Liushi church, which boasts more than twice as many
seats as Westminster Abbey and a 206ft crucifix that can be seen for
miles around, opened last year with one theologian declaring it a
"miracle that such a small town was able to build such a grand church".

The £8 million building is also one of the most visible symbols of
Communist China's breakneck conversion as it evolves into one of the
largest Christian congregations on earth.

"It is a wonderful thing to be a follower of Jesus Christ.

It gives us great confidence," beamed Jin Hongxin, a 40-year-old visitor
who was admiring the golden cross above Liushi's altar in the lead up
to Holy Week.

"If everyone in China believed in Jesus then we would have no more need
for police stations.

There would be no more bad people and therefore no more crime,"
she added.

As Thousands Of Chinese Troops Enter ISIS War - Proud to help Christians -
Posted on December 28, 2015 by Sean Adl-Tabatabai in News, World // 8 Comments

Assyrian Christians are one of the world's oldest Christian
communities that go back all the way to the
time immediately after Jesus and the 12
They still speak the rare ancient
language Aramaic that was spoken by Jesus
But they are on the verge of being wiped off the
map by ISIS and they are receiving help
from nobody.

- Love You -
- God Bless -
- Amen -