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12/29/15 7:24 PM

#3939 RE: shajandr #3937

sociopaths tend to murder in a fit of rage/emotional upset etc (could assume that most of the murders we hear about everyday are via sociopaths)

psychopaths tend to plan their murders.

Also tend to agree with your assessment in relation to psychiatry but not psychology which is pretty cool.

dog turd cannon

12/29/15 8:02 PM

#3940 RE: shajandr #3937

If you trick people into walking in front of a train or purposefully push them makes no difference to me I say they are all sociopaths because I don't like the word psychopaths and because it is close to psychosis. And, I married a clinical psychologist now turned cancer researcher, so... this is something I am trained now to say.

How would you classify the dentist that infected 30 people with HIV? Sociopath or psychopath?