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01/12/16 1:44 AM

#242678 RE: F6 #242167

Ted Cruz vs Washington Post: Cruz called out in cartoon for using kids as political props

Published on Dec 24, 2015 by Taiwanese Animators [ / , ]

WASHINGTON — Senator Ted Cruz blasted the Washington Post on Wednesday for publishing a political cartoon depicting his two daughters as circus monkeys.

"Not too much ticks me off, but making fun of my girls, that'll do it," Cruz said in response to the cartoon.

The Washington Post pulled the political cartoon by Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist Ann Telnaes titled "Ted Cruz uses his kids as political props" on Tuesday night.

The cartoon shows two circus monkeys in a scene with Cruz dressed up as Santa playing an organ grinder, implying that Cruz uses his two daughters as props.

Telnaes' cartoon was in response to Cruz's latest campaign parody ad that features the Texas Republican reading faux Christmas stories to his two girls.

And what does Cruz do when he's ticked off? He uses his daughters like circus monkeys to ask for campaign contributions. According to Cruz, "to push back on the Washington Post and the rest of the liberal media, I need to raise $1 million dollars in the next 24 hours."

The Post definitely crossed the line this time. They should have never taken the cartoon down. If Cruz is going to continue to pimp out his kids, it's fair game.


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