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12/24/15 12:58 PM

#242098 RE: ofspring #242095

Yo? - what are you, 12 years old? which explains why you support Trump.


12/24/15 1:17 PM

#242099 RE: ofspring #242095

Obama-Hating Terrorist Created “Detailed Plans For Racial Cleansing”

Would-be terrorist Lukas Vongyer was arrested after sending a slew of racist emails threatening to rape and torture people.

According to prosecutors, authorities began to investigate Vongyer after he sent a slew of “vile, racist emails threatening extreme violence against his victims and sometimes typed their home addresses in the emails to make the threats even more real. These emails left his victims feeling sick and terrified for their lives.”

Vongyer also launched a series of cyber-attacks against business websites, owned by his past employers. The Guardian reports that “in one case he set up an email account similar to that of one of his victims and used it to send a message outlining plans to kill Barack Obama.”

When police searched Vongyer residence, which is located in Gospel Oak, London, they discovered a stockpile of weapons. Authorities say that the would-be terrorist purchased bomb-making materials, hunting knives, crossbows, a high-powered rifle, and a samurai sword on the “dark web” using Bitcoin. Authorities also found a bottle containing ammonia, which they say he intended to use to squirt acid on his victims.

On his computer, authorities found “videos showing extreme acts of violence,” which he was apparently using as training material. He also used the computer to search for information on his intended victims, whose names appeared on a lengthy “hit list” of targets. Authorities say Vongyer also accessed various plans and tips for making homemade bombs.

Along with a cache of racist materials, police found what they described as “detailed plans for racial cleansing,” written and illustrated by Vongyer, along with “freshly laundered camouflage clothing and boots in sealed packaging, and a handwritten list of targets, featuring the names of his victims.”

Vongyer pleaded guilty to “racially aggravated harassment with fear of violence, four counts of unauthorized acts in relation to a computer, blackmail and two counts of harassment with fear of violence and forgery.”

Over the past few years there’s been an ongoing debate about whether white supremacists or foreign terrorists present a greater threat to the United States.

Vongyer is both a white supremacist and a would-be foreign terrorist. While many of his intended victims were residents of the UK, his vehement race hatred also prompted him to draw up a detailed plan for the assassination of the president of the United States.

Vongyer’s skin isn’t brown or black. He wasn’t born in Syria or any other middle-eastern country. He doesn’t practice the Muslim faith.

He’s one of the European KKKristians that people like Donald Trump and Ben Carson would welcome into the U.S. with open arms, while blocking others, based on nothing more than the color of their skin, country of origin or religious beliefs.

Yet had Vongyer been allowed into this country, there’s no telling what kind of terror he might have unleashed here. How many innocent people could have been wounded or killed, had he attempted to carry out his plan to assassinate the president and engage in acts of “racial cleansing?”

Thankfully we’ll never know. Vongyer was sentenced to four years and ten months in a UK prison. Because of his crimes, he will be on the terror watch list until the day he dies.

Terror does not have a skin color. The only religion it adheres to is violence. Sometimes it wears a Christian cross, other times it wears the star and crescent. Its birth place is fear and hate.

Violent, hateful people come in all sizes, shapes and colors. You cannot tell who the terrorists are just by looking at the clothes they wear or the country they were born in. Those who allow themselves to believe they “know” who the terrorists are, based on superficial nonsense like religion or skin color, are embracing the exact same ideas and beliefs that give birth to all types of terrorism.


12/24/15 5:52 PM

#242100 RE: ofspring #242095

UNHINGED Trump supporter! ROTFL!!!

WATCH: Racist lady goes completely berserk after mistaking Brazilian comedy team for terrorists


12/25/15 5:59 PM

#242122 RE: ofspring #242095

776 People Killed By Police So Far in 2015, 161 Of Them Unarmed

But, just 25 police officers have died from firearms-related violence in the same period.

By Mint Press News Desk | September 1, 2015

St. Louis County Police arrest people along West Florissant Avenue, Monday, Aug. 10, 2015, in Ferguson, Mo.

Editor’s Note: In November 2015, the total number of police killings surpassed 1,000 .. .



Killed By Police 2015
2013 - 2014 - 2015
The most accurate, most comprehensive and always up-to-date
list of people killed by U.S. law enforcement officers.
Est. May 1, 2013

.. oh, and ofspring, as far as i can see there was disruption and for a worthwhile cause, which Christmas is
supposed to be about isn't it, but the airport was certainly not shut down as you, looks to me, wrongly stated.


01/02/16 1:17 PM

#242288 RE: ofspring #242095

Trump Calls His Al Qaeda Recruitment Video Highest-Rated Terror Video Ever


NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—Just minutes after the Somali-based Al Qaeda affiliate Shabaab group released a propaganda video featuring a clip of Donald Trump, the Republican Presidential front-runner boasted that the video would be the highest-rated terror video of all time.

Within an hour of the video’s appearance, Trump took to Twitter to crow about his role in the jihadist promo, and tweaked his G.O.P. rivals for failing to be chosen by Shabaab.

“Shabaab would never put Jeb in video,” Trump tweeted. “Knows he is loser!”

But even as the billionaire boasted about his inclusion in the terror video, the prospect for future collaborations between Trump and Shabaab seemed to dim, due to a series of escalating demands issued by the real-estate magnate.

In a cascade of tweets directed at the terror group, Trump insisted that he be paid two million dollars for every subsequent video and that he retain editorial control over the final cut.

In a terse official statement, a Shabaab spokesman said that the terror group was “discontinuing our relationship with Donald J. Trump.”

“He’s just too hard to work with,” the spokesman said.