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12/24/15 12:05 AM

#52124 RE: DreDiZzlE #52122

Best post in weeks... FLAWLESS LOGIC FROM JIM!

That last section was straight from his own release and lays out exactly what is in process...

He basically told everyone what is coming and somehow some still don't get it. Dr Fisher told everyone on a government page that clinical (human) trials are suggested and still some don't get it.

Prior to denial last July, AMIC had meetings with FDA supposedly, are you telling me they never SUGGESTED animal trials then prior to submission? Yet AMIC didn't submit with proper trials? Now they were recommended animal trials and they are doing them no question WHILE STILL BEING SUGGESTED BY THE FDA TO GET HUMAN TRIALS DONE but not following their full suggestion? That is because they are trying to stick a square peg into a round hole. ON NO PLANET IN THE UNIVERSE is injecting radiation into a body low risk... THERE IS ZERO CHANCE OF APPROVAL AS CLASS 2 DEVICE and AMIC, JIM and ALL INSIDERS KNOWS THIS. That is why clinical trials are already being prepped while they do ANOTHER fake fda run for an already guaranteed denial (most likely leaked several days before any common investor can sell just like in July); trying to scrape any last profits from clueless investors they can...

Also deleting tweets from their twitter? That's just shady... trying to make it look perfect to direct people to communicate behind the scenes for full manipulation; DON'T GET SUCKERED IN... What's next? I mean besides the 1-3000 RS within the next few months of course...

PLEASE SOMEONE EXPLAIN TO ME what the difference is between a recommendation and a suggestion? The FDA CLEARLY recommended animal trials and CLEARLY suggested human trials... Logic would dictate both would be needed if you plan on injecting radiation into a body. One must ask themself why would they willingly go against the FDA wishes? NO INTENTION OF APPROVAL, just a pump and dump scheme at its best folks! STAY AWAY!