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12/19/15 6:27 AM

#241963 RE: shtsqsh #241962

Agree this should have been a non-issue, but was handled poorly by DWS, who isn't the leader I thought she was given what appears to be favoring one Dem candidate over another. This also shines a new light on the dispute in New Hampshire between a local TV station and the DNC, resulting in that NH station not carrying tonight's Dem debate - but hey, why allow the opposition attention in a State where he's running strong?
Leave the dysfunction to the Repubs since they're doing such a good job. The possibility of a Trump candidacy sends shivers throughout the GOP, especially in pols down-ticket in '16, but with Putin's endorsement, the foul-mouthed bigot can't lose the GOP primary - or can he?

...News reports this morning indicate the DNC has backed off withholding the voter database from Bernie Sanders' campaign - after Sanders' campaign threatened to sue the DNC, btw.


12/19/15 2:00 PM

#241967 RE: shtsqsh #241962

New Information Shows DNC Violated Its Own Rules When It Shut Down Sanders Campaign Data Access

Source: Addicting Info


It stated that under a contract between the DNC and the Sanders campaign, pertaining to the data system’s use, formal notice in writing is required if either side believes the other has violated the rules on privacy. Additionally, each side is supposed to be allowed 10 days to address any concerns.

“The DNC may not suspend the Campaign’s access to critical Voter Data out of haste or desperation to clean up after the DNC’s own mistakes,” the suit says.


What’s important to know is this: Whether you are for Bernie or Hillary, the fault ultimately is with the DNC and their chosen vendor for not resolving the issue when it was first reported. To make matters worse, the DNC rushed to apply a draconian punishment for the resulting breach. It’s also important to know that the DNC cut off Sanders from his own data, not just from a generic DNC list, essentially taking his campaign’s private data hostage.

The DNC wanted to have people held accountable for misconduct, and while that is fair, will they be applying the same level of punishment to their leadership for the mishandling of this whole fiasco?

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