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12/17/15 7:09 PM

#241943 RE: shtsqsh #241941

He looks better in a hoodie than a suit!

More karma!

Psycho Sandy Hook Truther Professor FIRED

James Tracy - Monster

A twisted professor at a Florida college was fired Wednesday after waging a sick three-year conspiracy campaign against the parents of one of the children killed in the Sandy Hook massacre.

James Tracy, a Florida Atlantic University professor, has 10 days to reply to the termination letter before he's finally fired for years of wild claims that the shooting was staged. The nutty professor received notoriety in 2013, after he wrote a blog that the Sandy Hook massacre in Newtown, Conn., may have been a hoax.

He then began targeting and harassing Lenny and Veronique Pozner, claiming that their son Noah never existed.…

There are no words to express the horribleness of this asshole — so far beyond the pale, it boggles the mind. And the fact that it took 3 years for him to get fired is shameful. Nevertheless, good riddance.

Here is some back story on Tracy from Raw Story:

And here is the editorial in The Sun-Sentinel written by parents of one of the Sandy Hook victims (the piece that may have finally gotten this scumbag fired):

As it is behind a pay wall, here is an excerpt (h/t SottoVoce):

More than 800 news organizations covered the story of his (Tracy’s) denial. As a result, this professor achieved fame among the morbid and deranged precisely because his theories were attached to his academic credentials and his affiliation with FAU. Tracy has enjoyed tremendous success from this exposure and has since leveraged it into a popular Internet blog and radio program. Worse yet, it has elevated his status and fame among the degenerates that revel in the pleasure of sadistically torturing victims’ families.

In fact, Tracy is among those who have personally sought to cause our family pain and anguish by publicly demonizing our attempts to keep cherished photos of our slain son from falling into the hands of conspiracy theorists.

Tracy even sent us a certified letter demanding proof that Noah once lived, that we were his parents, and that we were the rightful owner of his photographic image. We found this so outrageous and unsettling that we filed a police report for harassment. Once Tracy realized we would not respond, he subjected us to ridicule and contempt on his blog, boasting to his readers that the “unfulfilled request” was “noteworthy” because we had used copyright claims to “thwart continued research of the Sandy Hook massacre event.”


12/17/15 7:20 PM

#241944 RE: shtsqsh #241941