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12/17/15 12:30 PM

#28387 RE: MADDSTACKER #28383

I don't know why CleanVD isn't signed yet

but if the deal closes for ADVANTIS to distribute or acquire this product, they will have 4 days to announce the deal.


12/17/15 12:41 PM

#28391 RE: MADDSTACKER #28383

Marketing anyone?

Are we acquiring poorly named reject products for scamitization? LipRx when not a prescription but more like LipShield. CleanVD which does no cleaning and is actually CheckVD?


01/14/16 1:45 PM

#28756 RE: MADDSTACKER #28383

Maddstacker what do think about the action today in ADVT we got all buy up %53.12 today .. out no where it look like they must got something big or it was under value but it could get interest in the next couples!!!$$$ADVT