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07/07/06 2:38 PM

#38517 RE: Jck #38515

Excerpt from press release:
"Developing, Testing, and Activating New Technologies

DHS is developing a number of screening techniques and technologies which could be implemented or deployed quickly to systems facing a specific threat, or in support of major events such as National Security Special Events (NSSEs). Other pilots and studies are also underway in major American cities.

• Developing and Deploying Chemical Detection Equipment: Comprising advanced chemical detection equipment and camera networks, the PROTECT system is designed to detect a chemical attack. The system also links with local emergency response assets to improve response time and capability. The system is currently deployed in segments of the Washington, DC, New York City, and Boston rail systems.

• Testing Mobile Security Checkpoints: This mobile “checkpoint” equipment, which can fit into two standard size shipping containers, could be rapidly deployed for use in screening and detection at any major system in the country.

• Developing New Surveillance Camera Systems: TSA and S&T are leading a project to develop software designed to detect human anomalous behavior for use with surveillance/CCTV camera systems.

• Protecting the 7-Mile DC Rail Corridor: Through the Preparedness Directorate’s Office of Infrastructure Protection, the National Capital Region Rail Security Corridor Pilot Project is designed to meet the needs of local law enforcement, first responders, and the federal government while supplementing the existing security measures of freight rail operations in the Washington DC area. The pilot project will include numerous components, including a virtual security fence that will detect moving objects, perimeter breaches, left objects, removed objects and loitering activity. Data from the fence and the gates will be encrypted and transmitted simultaneously to multiple locations, such as US Capitol Police, US Secret Service, CSX and other applicable federal or local agencies.

•Evaluating New Explosive Detection Equipment: Through S&T’s Rail Security Pilot (RSP), DHS is field testing the effectiveness of explosives detection techniques and imaging technologies in partnership with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

•Conducting the Transit and Rail Inspection Pilot: The Transit and Rail Inspection Pilot (TRIP), launched in March 2004 and in partnership with the Department of Transportation, Amtrak, the Maryland Rail Commuter, and the Washington DC Metro Transit Authority, used advanced explosives detection equipment and canine patrols to screen thousands of passengers and bags.

• Conducting the Baltimore Rail Security Study: S&T, in partnership with the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) and the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT), is conducting a study of a detection technology and its ability to identify explosive compounds on passengers before they board a train. The detection system is designed to detect explosive residue on passengers when they select their ticket before boarding a train. If a residue is detected, the system activates further capabilities to alert security or law enforcement authorities of the potential threat. A passenger who activates the explosives detection system would be directed to a secondary screening area for additional evaluation.

• Conducting Operational Tests and Evaluations: The Systems Support Division (SSD) of the DHS Office of Grants and Training (G&T) has conducted operational tests to evaluate manufacturer claims on ballistic resistant trash receptacles and published a report of its findings to help ensure mass transit systems, among others, have the facts needed to guide critical procurement decisions. Similarly, SSD has also published a Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Technology Handbook to provide a reference point on current CCTV technologies, capabilities and limitations.

Conducting Site Assessments to Improve the Ability of State, Local, and Private Sector Partners to Strengthen Security

Thousands of criticality assessments have been conducted by TSA, in cooperation with federal, state, local, and private security partners, to determine best practices, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities across the nation.

• Completing Thousands of Criticality Assessments: TSA has completed over 2,600 criticality assessments for systems across the nation, including 848 for rail systems and 1,778 for mass transit systems. 50 Site Assistant Visits (SAVs) have been completed across the nation’s mass transit, bus, tunnel, and terminal systems. 132 Buffer Zone Protection Plans (BZPPs) have also been completed.

• Providing Technical Assistance: Through the Office of Grants and Training, the Department has provided technical support to over 25 major transit systems, as well as Amtrak, to assist these agencies in developing risk management strategies to guide the expenditure of scarce security dollars. This assistance both maximizes the impact of DHS funds and allows these agencies to develop robust internal planning mechanisms for leveraging their own resources to support system-wide risk reduction.

• Performing Rail Corridor Assessments For Hazardous Materials: In High Threat Urban Areas (HTUA) rail corridors, DHS components are conducting assessments where hazardous materials may pose significant risks. In these processes, DHS cooperates closely with the Federal Railroad Administration, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, and relevant railroads and private entities."
