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12/16/15 8:23 PM

#1095 RE: gitreal #1094

Hi gitreal,

Thanks for posting. I do not think this has been on this message board before, though there have been some posts from people who, I think, have held various iterations of Noble stock. (I'm not clear on the Nobel details).

As for some of the people named in the link you posted, I know that until October 2014 Mark Kersey was the President of URHG and the head of the Board of Directors. Robert Kilroy was the Vice-President. The CFO was Charles Mahoney. They had an accountant named Weigel (?). Noble had its named changed to United Milling and URHG obtained about 87% of it. Kilroy was President of United Milling.

At the October annual meeting the shareholders voted Kersey out. Kilroy became the new President. Sometime thereafter a new guy was added to the company, Ken Barker. (I assume he had to have the backing of the major shareholders to get the position). By about February or March of 2015 Kilroy and the CFO were out of United Milling, URHG, and the BOD. I think Weigel might be out now, too.

Barker became the new President and brought in a new CFO Travis Capson. From the postings here and on Facebook I've seen, it looks like the new management spent this year reorganizing and moving the company forward. I think the new team is seen at least as honest and hardworking. (I'm not saying the guys previously weren't - I don't know, which is why I'm looking at the link you provided). I also don't know how much of the 2015 performance has been affected by previous management, if any. Next February or March will mark about a year for URHG being run without the original management and it looks like an annual meeting will take place next spring.

Apparently Mark Kersey has a new mining company ( I don't know if Kilroy or Weigel or Ogle or Mahoney are part of that company or not.