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12/23/15 7:01 PM

#242064 RE: dbleagl #241865

I have a hard time believing that anything could kill zombie Walker but maybe there's a glimmer of hope???? Fingers crossed!!

Hahahahaha! Scott Walker Has Some More Problems.

Your tears are delicious.

As bad as it is to make the GQ List of The Worst People of 2015 with a listing of #13 (considered worse than Roger Goodell of the NFL, The Confederate Flag, Roger Ailes, Rahm Emanuel, 2 celebrity wife beaters, and pharmaceutical price gouger Martin Shkreli), more bad news is creeping towards Scott Walker.

Despite massive spending by dark money groups, multiple lawsuits at every level in the land, a corrupt State Supreme Court decision by Justices who were elected to their seats by the same dark money groups being investigated, and media poodles pounding out Walker propaganda, John Doe just won’t die from the plethora of fatal wounds heaped upon it. They keep killing it in every way possible, but it’s still slightly alive.

This summer, the Wisconsin Supreme Court took up the question of whether to stop the investigation into alleged coordination between Walker's 2012 recall campaign and conservative outside groups that receive unlimited donations from undisclosed donors. The problem was that the election campaigns of two justices on the state's top court had benefited significantly from spending by those same groups accused of illegal coordination with Walker. The special prosecutor overseeing the investigation, along with legal ethicists, asked the two justices with conflicts of interest to recuse themselves. But no justices stepped aside.

The court shut down the investigation by ruling that the type of coordination at issue was actually legal—that campaigns and outside dark-money groups can coordinate as long as they don't produce ads that explicitly say "vote for" or "vote against" a candidate. And that was supposed to be the end of the story.

As soon as it became evident that Republican John Doe Chief Prosecutor Francis Schmitz was looking towards appealing the State Supreme Court decision to end the John Doe Probe to the US Supreme Court, the RW majority on the State Supreme Court took swift action; they removed him as Chief Prosecutor. That doesn’t sound like a big deal, but it is. It means that any appeal he might mount would be on his own dime which makes even filing a US Supreme Court (with its $25,000 filing fee) financially impossible for the average working stiff.

On top of that, Republicans in Wisconsin just abolished (bill signed by Scott Walker last week) the nonpartisan Government Accountability Board (which was a party to the John Doe Probe) and will replace it with a partisan board of political hacks appointees. So there, another knife in the back to John Doe. Late last year, they also gutted the John Doe Probe laws exempting all but felonious criminal activity from secret investigation (and all John Doe Probes of elected officials, as well). Poison in the John Doe Wine cup, too. There, it’s dead, right?

But …. zombie John Doe just rose from the grave again when 3 county prosecutors signaled that they want the case to be heard by the US Supremes.

... the state justices gave the district attorneys until Friday to seek to intervene in the litigation, which gives them a chance to step in for Schmitz and ask the U.S. Supreme Court to review the state rulings.

Friday's motion to intervene comes only a day after the state's elections and ethics agency reached a settlement without financial penalties or admission of wrongdoing with the Wisconsin Club for Growth and one of its directors, Eric O'Keefe, who were among the targets of the John Doe probe.

That’s right, despite mountains of evidence showing collaboration between Scott Walker, his campaign, and those dark money groups, they get off with nothing — not even an admission of wrongdoing.

Considering the nature of the US Supreme Court rulings which have led to the wild west, anything goes nature of current campaign finance operations, the DAs will need to be careful in how they proceed. Their best option is likely to go after the Justices who refused to recuse themselves from a case involving the same groups that spent vast sums getting them elected to the State Supreme Court.

There are two potential issues that the district attorneys could appeal to the Supreme Court: a challenge on the merits of the state court's campaign finance ruling, and an ethical challenge to the failure of the justices to recuse themselves. It's the second question that experts believe makes for the stronger case.

"I would not want to bring any campaign finance case to this Supreme Court," says Rick Hasen, an election law expert at the University of California-Irvine School of Law, nodding to the conservative bent of the court on this issue. But the recusal question, he says, "has a decent chance." And that's where court watchers believe the case will indeed focus.

Nothing has been filed yet, but the motion to intervene by those 3 County District Attorneys indicates that they want to take this matter to a higher court. Even if they limit the appeal to the recusals, the smell of corruption will be stifling and the reasons for the original John Doe will once again come to light.

Perhaps it’s karma at its best when we remember how fast and furiously they worked to kill the John Doe in order for Scott Walker to announce his Presidential ambitions and run without a corruption scandal nipping at his heels. And some of that haste, particularly the lack of recusals from State Supreme Court Justices that benefitted from the huge spending of the same groups under investigation, is rising up to bite them in the ass.

Just as they thought the John Doe was dead and buried …..

Stay tuned.