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12/14/15 10:43 PM

#323383 RE: jarenawer #323372

I think he is saying there are no rules governing congress. Whoever is elected can rape and pillage at will with no recourse.
They can vote on legislation of companies while being heavily invested in them. It's a conflict of interest with no ramifications. They don't care if they get voted out ...,they made their cash while they were there. If they lie and weasel like Corker that just extends the game for even more dirty deals. It's a corrupt game they/congress have no intention of changing. They just play the gambit until maybe a judge rules against them. Maybe. Maybe not....they just hang and see whomever else they can load in their dirty boat to get er' done. Plenty willing to jump in. Much like Goldman Sacs and their creation of credit default swaps paper Derivatives paper from thin air somebody just made up. But in reality are bad subprime paper loans repackaged gladly as AAA by Moody's. Who cares...they all be getting fat here. There are no rules against people just making think this crap up!